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Graduation Requirements
The Pathway to Your Starting Line Begins here!
First: Complete the Core
Earn a minimum of 20 credits in Ohio's Core Curriculum
English/ Language Arts- 4 Credits
Math- 4 Credits
Science- 3 Credits
Social Studies- 3 Credits
Health- 1/2 Credit
Physical Education- 1/2 Credit
Electives- 5 Credits
*Students will also receive instruction in Economics and Financial Literacy
*Students must also complete at least two (2) semesters of Fine Arts
Second: Show Competency
Option 1: Ohio's State Tests
Earn a minimum score of 684 or above on both the Algebra I and English II end-of-course exams
Testing Not Your Strength? Ohio has options!
Option 2: Demonstrate Career Readiness (Must complete 2; One must be Foundational)
Foundational Options:
Cumulative Score of proficient on WebXamns
A 12-point Industry Credential
Acceptance into an apprenticeship
State-issued license for a practice in a vocation
Supporting Options:
Work-based learning​
Earn Workforce Readiness score on the Workkeys
Earn the OhioMeansJobs Readiness Seal
Option 3: College Credit Plus
Earn credit in a non-remedial math or English course for the subject area not passed
Option 4: Enlist in the Military​
Show Evidence You Have Signed a Contract to Enter a Branch of the U.S. Armed Services Upon Graduation
Option 5: ACT or SAT
Earn a remediation-free score in the math and/or English subject area on either the ACT or SAT
In terms of remediation-free in English; students must earn remediation free scores in both subjects English and reading on the ACT or SAT​
Third: Show Readiness
Earn Two (2) of the Following Diploma Seals. At Least One (1) Must Be "Ohio-Designed"
OhioMeansJobs Readiness Seal (Ohio)
Industry-Recognized Credential Seal (Ohio)
College-Ready Seal (Ohio)
Military Enlistment Seal (Ohio)
Citizenship Seal (Ohio)
Science Seal (Ohio)
Honors Diploma Seal (Ohio)
Seal of Biliteracy (Ohio)
Technology Seal (Ohio)
Community Service Seal (Local)
Fine and Performing Arts Seal (Local)
Student Engagement Seal (Local)

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